Happy Friday everyone! Finally, I completed a paint pen video review for the affordable Artistro brand. For those of you who are new the videos and the art blog go together. So any links to products or materials are in the article on the heart fleet creating site.
A place to encourage the creativity of artistic minds of all ages. Offering Ideas, Inspiration and Instruction and sharing the work of others who inspire me!
Friday, December 4, 2020
Affordable Art Supplies: Artistro Acrylic Paint Pens Reviews And Colour Swatches
Happy Friday everyone! Finally, I completed a paint pen video review for the affordable Artistro brand. For those of you who are new the videos and the art blog go together. So any links to products or materials are in the article on the heart fleet creating site.
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Mixed Media-My Mixed Media Completed Art Work
Watch Below
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Learn With Me Mixed Media -Alcohol Inks, Glitter, UV Resin And Such.
Hi guys! I was able to create another video regarding working with mixed media. It's a very long process so I didn't want to bore anyone by filming every step of the way. So this video is a bit more of a learn with me/tutorial as I ramble on about whatever pops into my head. Tried to edit some of that out, didn't think anyone would really want to hear too much about Star Trek versus Star Wars!
The materials that are used for this piece so far. That's right I am still tweaking it so it can't be considered done. In fact I've got some still shots then I'll be posting soon to see you what I've done since this video was made. It's just so much fun adding layers of textures and resin and color.
Watch my new video here below
Materials I used
Stretched canvas about 5 x 7"
Thursday, November 5, 2020
Heartfully Creating: Works In Progress, Mixed Media Art- Alcohol Ink, UV Resin, Glitters, Paint Pens
Hi guys. Hope everyone is staying safe and well. A while ago, I started layering paint (acrylic), Cellophane glitter flakes and polyurethane...along with glitters and layering alcohol inks. Below is a Works In Progress Video Sharing Three Incomplete Pieces. Then Soon I Will be posting more on how to work in mixed mixed media as well as showing you some more stages in my favourite piece so far. The hope that you will be inspired to try experimenting with mixed media. As long as you are having fun.
Watch New Video Below
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
Sharing a couple Epoxy Resin And Petri Dish Alcohol Technique Ornaments
Wanted to share these epoxy resin and alcohol ink ornaments. I learned however that alcohol inks change colour fade with the sun. That was disappointing but still worth the fun.
Watch Below To See how the look now!
Saturday, October 10, 2020
Brighten Up The Neighbourhood - Mail Box Art: DIY and Learn With Me Using Acrylic Paint!
Watch Below Right Here
Before it looked like this!
Thursday, October 1, 2020
Using Acrylic Paint Pens On Canvas: With Review Talk About Pen Brands
Using acrylic paint pens on stretched canvas. As well, I do use the various affordable acrylic paint pens, giving a bit of a review. I am not fully done, but wanted to show you what it is like.
Watch Below!
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Using Paint Pens: Drawing Fun And Art Talk
Happy October everyone! Hope wherever you are in the world that you are enjoying the creative part of life. In whatever way shape or form, there are many ways to create. In today's newest short video, join me as I do a bit of art talk. Sharing what my life experience has taught me so far when it comes to encouraging creativity in children. Nothing makes me cringe more than when a parent or guardian says to a child regarding their masterpiece about how a sky isn't purple or a tree isn't blue. Want to find out more just watch my new video below!
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
During These Kooky Times: Why Not Make Eating Fun With Rainbow Cutlery #SmileMakers
So If You Are Interested in checking out affordable coloured cutlery, watch the new short video I just posted featuring ours. The Amazon links to the specific places we bought our's from will be listed below.
Enjoy Watching Colourful Cutlery Below!
Saturday, September 19, 2020
Paint Pens: Custom Art Cell Phone Case Tutorial - Make Your Own - video
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
Brightening Up The Neighboorhood: Welcome Sign Grand with Paint Pens Finale 3/3
Watch and see Below
Saturday, September 5, 2020
A Good Welcome Sign DIY: Brighten Up The Neighbourhood With Paint Pens / Markers - Part Two
Watch Part Two Right Down Below
A pencil
Paint Pens (I used Aroic, Toole-Art, Artistro and Ohuhu pens -mostly .07mm and a few 3mm)
Gesso or white paint or acrylic paint pens
Polyurethane or some such finish to protect from outdoor elements
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Friday, September 4, 2020
A Good Sign: Brighten Up The Neighbourhood With Paint Pens / Markers - Part One
After seeing so much disrepair, unkempt lawns and weedy gardens (not just ours), it seemed like a fun idea to start brightening things up around our home's exterior. This is just one project that I will be sharing with you, I have already posted the projects on Instagram @a_bergie_creation and at my Heartfully Creating group page if you want a sneak peek. Below is part one of my video about the project....
Watch Part One Right Down Below
As you will see I have been enjoying colourful acrylic paint pens (sorry, still not done all the paint pen reviews). And after my husband Craig sanded up some pieces of old wood, originally to be used in my paint pen reviews, I spontaneously started a Welcome sign for the front of our home. So, here is part one of the process creating this very fun and colourful sign, My hope is to not only show you how well affordable (Not
Posca) paint pens work on wood surfaces.
Watch Part One Right Down Below
Materials required:
A pencil
Paint Pens (I used Aroic, Toole-Art, Artistro and Ohuhu pens -mostly .07mm and a few 3mm)
Gesso or white paint or acrylic paint pens
Polyurethane or some such finish to protect from outdoor elements
I did coat the slightly sanded reclaimed wood with white acrylic paint or gesso. And then lightly penciled in some letters that I turned into characters. But I did not pre-plan it all. This took a long time because I really enjoyed tweaking the characters and layering and changing colours.
If it is going outside, apparently oil paint pens are more durable but, I didn't have any until today so I coated the surface with Polycrylic -polyurethane.
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Thursday, August 27, 2020
Just Vlogging Around: Meeting And Learning About Our New Cannon M100 Camera During A Walk And Talk
To add to my new and improved ability to make more videos, tutorials and vlogs, we just received our new Cannon M100 camera.
Today it was gorgeous outside so I got to go on a walk and talk, whilst I try out different camera/video settings!
For today's second day of exploring our camera and our neighbourhood take a Watch Below!!
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Something New: Fountain Pens, The Beginning - Learn With Me

Hope everyone is having a great week so far. Been dabbling in a new, yet old art supply. Years ago I was blessed with taking calligraphy class in my hometown with my dear Grandma. Calligraphy is basically a fancy way of writing. This new experience is different for me because Idiscovered from watching a fun YouTube channel "Peter Draws." Where he teaches about and uses these new kind of fountain pens. When I used the Schaeffer kind for calligraphy, you had to replace the ink cartridges, which seemed annoying and not easy to get. As well the pen tips for calligraphy that I used had a bit of a wide flat tip. As well, I tried dip pens and India ink with a variety of speedball exchangeable tips. However, I found dip pens too messy. They always blobbed black ink and you had to keep dipping. Which is what fountain pen/quill pens started out as. In fact, you can still get tat kind. I tried drawing with the fine tip and it was always too scratchy as well.
But now....I was impressed watching Peter draw and explain that you now can buy pens that have a piston type reservoir and something called a converter that allows you too....well, take a watch and see below!
Remember to have fun. Be spontaneous with your design or plan it all out, it's up to you!
Friday, August 14, 2020
Affordable Acrylic Paint Pens - Rock Test, Aroic, Tooli-Art, Flymax, Artistro, Ohuhu: Review Pt 2
Take A watch.
Friday, August 7, 2020
Affordable Acrylic Paint Pens - Rock Test, Aroic, Tooli-Art, Flymax, Artistro, Ohuhu: Review Pt 1
Might as well make the most of it and create. How will we know if we like a certain art supply if we don't try it. If you've been around here you will know that Acrylic paint pens are my new supply to try and use. Wanting to see online reviews of affordable paint pens has been difficult, so I decided to try an array of pens so I can create a bunch of video reviews on each brand so others may benefit from them. Posca pens seem to be the only paint pens used over and over on YouTube, Well click here to see my only (so far) Posca experience.
Below is part one of my first part of a generalized review video covering five brands of Acrylic paint pens. In this video I tried the four out on a rock since these pens all say they work on all surfaces like rock, glass, plastic, fabric, basically anything non-porous. I use them on paper and card stock more than anything. I love them.
Watch Part 1 of Affordable Acrylic Paint Pens Here
Amazon Links to All the Paint Pens I featured. (No, nothing is sponsored - just where bought these)
Aroic size .7mm box of 36Aroic .7mm box of 12 black only
Tooli-Art 3mm Set of 30
Tooli-Art .7mm Set of 36 (Skin and Earth Tone Package)
Ohuhu .7mm Se of 40
Artistro .7mm Set of 42
Flymax .7mm
Remember to have fun. Be spontaneous with your design or plan it all out, it's up to you!
Monday, July 13, 2020
Acrylic Paint Pen Reviews: POSCA paint pens. Worth The Money? Sorry....
I have been promising some paint pen reviews and finally after swatching out and photographing and filming, then editing and waiting an hour to upload the short video below, voila! My first review is of the most expensive paint pens I have seen, POSCA. Click here to see the exact link I used to buy these. Which I do not recommend. Watch to see why not. The rest of the reviews to come, will be of affordable paint pens. You won't be disappointed. For now, drumroll please...
Watch POSCA Acrylic Paint Pen Review