Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Painting With Craig: Sealable Palette - Does It Work? A Review

Over the course of my artistic career, I made the water spray bottle my number one tool to keep my palette wet and juicy. Otherwise the acrylics would for that plastic skin, eventually drying out completely rendering the useless!  As mentioned in the palette talk

The biggest problem with Acrylic paints and oils are their inability to be reactivated once dry or video previously, I tried a wet palette that is sealable but found it too big, The idea we saw at this great channel, offered the great idea to make your own wet palette. Please check his videos out here at CLIVE5ART. Personally, we both prefer the method mentioned in the Palette Talk video.

But it would be great if we could find a palette that can be sealed. Craig and I would use a ziploc bag around a makeshift palette, like a disposable plastic or styrofoam plate. Even though we ziploc it, there is always a risk that the paint will dry out. As you will soon see, wasting precious, expensive artist paint is one of my biggest fear as an artist. We have a special story coming soon on that topic!
Watch Our Sealable EBay Palette Test and  Review Below
When I was shopping on Ebay.ca (I live in Canada). I was surprised to discover a sealable paint palette. So I thought I bet this would work for Craig when he uses the acrylics.  Here is the link in Ebay to find it.

We received it after about 3 weeks. That is pretty good from China to Canada, Shipping was free, the cost about 17 dollars Canadian. I see today it's 15 dollars. Go figure. The first test would be to put paint in it and see if it truly does seal. You will have to watch the video to see what we discovered. One warning, ALWAYS  read the size details before ordering online!

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Love you all.

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