Yay, we are enjoying our first hot summer day, 37F on our thermometer! In our city in Northwestern Ontario, that is a huge event. Do I hang outside in this weather? Nope, not anymore. Since creating art is what I love doing daily, I enjoy the weather from inside. But it is nice to know I can go outside without shivering :o)
The number one medium I used for most of my artistic career has been Acrylic paint on canvas. In the last eight years, my focus changed to jewelry making and design using beads, wire and such. And the lasT year and a half, my new favourite medium of course is, polymer clay. Which means, I haven't worked on very many two dimensional works of art since eight years ago. There are a few exceptions though. What are they you ask? I discovered a really cool oil based paint called "Pebeo Fantasy Paints." Not only can you use them on polymer clay pieces to create really beautiful special effects, you can use them on glass, wood, metal and epoxy resin and, I am sure more surfaces than that! I used Pebeo's glass paint "Vitral," to re-furbish an old pair of metal framed glasses!
When you drop in the paints with a tooth pick or eye dropper pipette type device, the paints have a special formula that causes them to actually move and transform into really cool designs. It reminds me of molecular or chemistry images. The Moon paints contain Mica powder for the shimmer, metallic look and it is the Prisme (Prism) paints that create a honeycomb look!
You don't use a paint brush on these paints in order to get the proper effect. Stirring the paints prior to use is critical in order to maximize the effects they offer. Other wise ingredients like mica will just sit on the bottom. I used disposable pipettes as you can see in my photos to keep it as neat as possible. Toothpicks or skewers work well also to stir and to use as a dripping mechanism.
Because they are oil based, it does take a long time for them to dry. Soap and water clean up is not possible. I love what they paints do. Glad I bought them and tried them on a variety of surfaces. Just see below to find out what I did.
Take a look below to see but a mere sampling of what Pebeo Paints are capable of.
This is a preview to let you know the next HeArtfully Creating video will be all about Pebeo. So stay tuned or subscribe so you can find out as soon as I have it posted. (Just started working on it :o)
Pebeo On Canvas
Painting In process by Anita Berglund - Pebeo Fantasy Paints and outline or "leading" paint for outlines. |
As well, using their tubes of acrylic based imitation "leading" or outlining paint, I had great fun drawing abstract designs and then dropping in the fantasy paints. Oh, and I also delved into epoxy resin. Made some pendant bases and again, dropped in Pebeo paints to create some gorgeous molecular effects.
Painting In process by Anita Berglund - Pebeo Fantasy Paints and outline or "leading" paint for outlines. Then I dropped in Pebeo Fantasy and some Vitrail paints. |
Paintings by Anita Berglund - created with Pebeo Fantasy Paints 2015 |
Pebeo On Resin
I was having great fun, learning how to make epoxy resin pieces. Some more on that adventure in the future. Once the resin cured after 24 hours, I was able to drip on the Pebeo Fantasy Paints to create some incredibly beautiful pendants.
by Anita Berglund - these pendants were created with Pebeo Fantasy Paints applied to resin pieces and jewelry bezel settings. 201 |
by Anita Berglund - these pendants were created with Pebeo Fantasy Paints applied to resin pieces and jewelry bezel settings. 2015 |
Pebeo On Metal Jewelry Bezels
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